Sunday, November 13, 2011

iPhone vs Droid

I'm a "long-time" Android user that recently switched to the iPhone 4s. This is my story.

To properly frame my profile, I've had 3 Android phones over the past 4 years. I use gmail very heavily. I favor Google Docs over Open (Libre) Office. I favor Open Office over Microsoft Office. I'm a pretty heavy Google fanboy. However, I also own an iPad (gen 1) and recently purchased an Apple TV. Both of which I love. By day I'm a Solutions Architect with more love for Java then .NET (much more). In that realm I'm an open source junky. So, all in all I'm really a fan of things that work and work they way I want/need them to.

So on to my 10 days with the iPhone 4s.
Fan-boy analysis:
The device is beautiful. The apps look sharp and are very snappy. The camera is my favorite part of the phone. I love having both a forward and backward lens. The pictures it takes are great and the in-photo editing capabilities are awesome. It does good in low and high light and takes good video as well. I love the somewhat seamless integration between the phone and apple tv. The mirroring technology is great.

The real:
All this glitter obviously demos and sells very well. But for me, it doesn't translate to being that useful in real life. Mainly because of a few BIG shortcomings.
  • There is no application equivalent to the "Locale" app in the Android Market. This is one of those apps that you don't realize how much you love until its gone.
  • You can't post pictures directly from the "Camera Roll" to Facebook or Google Plus.
  • The keyboard is horrible, I miss "swype" based keyboards!
  • To work with "iCloud" completely you need to update to the latest iOS.
    • To use Photo Stream you have to BUY the latest iPhoto.
And some minor annoyances:
  • The battery life is bad.
  • No Google MyTracks. I'm sure there is something similar, but I haven't found it yet.
I'm still debating whether to go back to Android or stick with the iPhone. I've got a few more days left before my 14 day window expires. If anyone can help solve my issues above, I'd love to hear from you.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Founder LY - good luck, I'm cheering for you!

This site has a great idea and I hope it is able to get enough good content from some of the leading Entrepreneurs in the country and world. Unfortunately I think the interviewers themselves are horrible. They need to find better voices to ask the questions and seed the conversations, then just let the Entrepreneurs have the floor.

Monday, March 14, 2011

JDK 7 submitted by Oracle

Pains me to say that "... by Oracle", but none the less. I'm disappointed that project Lambda (closures) got pushed to jdk 8. I'm happy to see "scalable asynchronous I/O" capabilities and I'm undecided about the deprecation of "File" and the introduction of "Path". We shall see.